Symptoms of Skin Cancer

 Let us start with a thought that ‘health is wealth.’ But do you really think that we are either healthy or wealthy in our lives? In today’s era, young men are struggling to get jobs, and they are also not healthy. Every day, we come across tragic news of young actors’ sad demises due to day-to-day increasing diseases like skin cancer, Covid-19, and more.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer Image/Picture 

With the rising population and deadly pollution, we are really making our lives hell. We have to wake-up, this is the time, this is the opportunity, and this is the only chance to save ourselves and save Mother earth. Otherwise, a day will come when our children will have to find an alternate planet for survival. In this article, we will focus on skin cancer, what is skin cancer, symptoms of skin cancer, treatments of skin cancer, is skin cancer deadly or not, types of skin cancer, and at last, skin cancer be cured or not.

What is Skin Cancer?

The skin is the largest organ of our body, and it plays a crucial role in protecting the body from external factors such as sunlight, heat, and injury. Skin cancer occurs when the skin cells undergo genetic mutations that cause them to multiply unconditionally and form a malignant tumour. Among the several layers of our skin, epidermis (outer layer) and dermis (inner layer) are two main and important layers of skin. Skin cancer begins in epidermis which is the outer layer of our body.

Risk factors for skin cancer causes include exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or artificial sources such as tanning beds, fair skin that burns easily, a history of sunburns, a family history of skin cancer, a weakened immune system, and exposure to certain chemicals or radiation.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer can present with a variety of symptoms, depending on the type of skin cancer and its stage of progression. It’s important to note that not all skin cancers cause symptoms, and some may be asymptomatic or have subtle symptoms that may be easily overlooked.

Let’s have a look at the three most common types of skin cancers and their symptoms.

a.   Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC): This skin cancer typically occurs in the area of the skin that is exposed to sun, such as face, neck, scalp, ears, and more. Its symptoms include a pearly or waxy bump, a sore that doesn’t heal, a shiny or scare-like patch, and changes in the skin.

b.  Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC): It also occurs in the sun exposed parts of our body just like Basal Cell Carcinoma. The symptoms are such as a thickened, scaly patch, an open sore, a rapidly growing lump, and changes in the skin.

c.   Melanoma: Here comes the real ‘villan' devil. This skin cancer originates in the pigment-producing cells of the skin called melanocytes. For your information, melanocytes are responsible for providing colour to our skin. Melanoma can occur in any part of our body and its symptoms depend on different factors and stage of the cancer. The symptoms include changes in moles or pigmented lesions, asymmetry, border irregularity, colour variation, and more.

Treatments of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the skin cells due to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Early detection and treatment are crucial for the successful management of skin cancer.

1.    Surgery: In surgery, basically the cancerous tissue is removed from the skin. The type of surgery used depends on the type of skin, size, and location of the skin cancer.

a.   Excisional Surgery: In this the cancerous tissue is removed along with some healthy tissue around it to ensure that the cancer cells are completely removed. This procedure is important for BCC and SCC types of skin cancer. The removed tissue is tested in laboratory to check that the margin tissue is clear of cancer cells.

b.  Mohs Surgery: In this technique, only cancerous tissue is removed layer by layer and there is minimal damage to healthy tissue. It is also examined under a microscope to ensure that all cancer cells are removed. This way of removing cancerous tissue is highly effective in areas such as face, ears, and genitals.

c.   Curettage & Electrodesiccation: This procedure involves scraping off the cancerous tissue with a sharp, spoon like instrument and then using electric current to burn the remaining cancer cells. It is used in BCC and SCC.

2.   Radiation Therapy: As the name suggests, it uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells. This technique is effective at a place where surgery is not possible or also used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells.

a.   External Beam Radiation Therapy: This is the common type of radiation therapy used for skin cancer. It involves a beam of radiation from outside the body to the targeted cancerous tissue. This type of radiation therapy is usually delivered over several weeks, with daily treatments and special precaution is taken while treatment to not damage the healthy tissue.

b.  Brachytherapy: In this therapy, radioactive seeds or wires are implanted directly into the skin near cancerous tissue. This is a very helpful technique for those patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery.

3.   Chemotherapy: This is a systemic treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. This may involves applying chemotherapy drugs directly to the skin in the form of creams or lotions or drugs are taken orally for skin care treatment.

Is Skin Cancer Deadly or Can Skin Cancer be Cured

As stated in the preceding parts of this article, with the help of technology and regular development in the field of medicine, we now have several techniques available to treat skin cancer. So, in a simple language, just understand that skin cancer can be cured.

The second part is that ‘is skin cancer deadly.’ Yes, it is deadly if symptoms are not identified at early stages of skin cancer or if, for any reason, proper care and treatment are not given.

Facts about Skin Cancer

  • ·      According to World Health Organization, there are more cases of skin cancer each year than all other types of cancer combined.
  • ·      Exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or tanning beds is the primary risk factor for developing skin cancer.
  • ·      Skin cancer can happen to anyone, regardless of skin colour. However, fair skin and light-coloured eyes are at higher risk.
  • ·      Skin cancer has a high cure rate when detected early and treated on time.
  • ·      The reported incidence of skin cancer in India is less than 1% of all cancers.   

I hope this article has proved worthy for your skin and cleared all your doubts regarding skin cancer and your questions related to symptoms of skin cancer, types of skin cancer, signs of skin cancer, treatments of skin cancer, and more.

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Image credit: Everyday health

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