How To Improve Mental Health

Mental health is a topic that has gained increasing attention in recent years as people have become more aware of its importance in our overall well-being. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state well-being in which an individual realizes their abilities, copes with the normal stresses of life, works productively, and improves their community. However, mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and stress, are prevalent in today’s fast paced and demanding world.

World Mental Health Day

World mental health day is celebrated on 10th October. It is a global awareness drive, aimed at promoting mental health and well-being, raising awareness about mental health issues, reducing stigma, and looking for mental health services at every door. World mental health day is celebrated worldwide to create mental health awareness and support those who are struggling with mental health challenges, as well as celebrate the importance of mental health in our daily lives.

World Mental Health Day 2023

Every year world mental health day is celebrated to mark the importance of mental health in our society and raise awareness among people. World federation for mental health took this initiative of celebrating world mental health day and educating people about it. This a non-profit federation which aims to prioritize mental health, raising awareness about mental health, and more. For your knowledge, every year world mental health day is celebrated with a theme to make it more fascinating and purpose driven.

The theme for world mental health day 2022 is “Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority.”

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is often referred to the state of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It includes our thoughts, feelings, emotions, behaviours, and the quality of our relationships. Mental health is dynamic and can fluctuate over time, influenced by various factors such as genetics, environment, life experiences, and more. It is an essential aspect of our overall health and also impact our daily routines.

Why does World Mental Health Day matter?

Mental health is a very important part of our well-being, especially in this paced world. Every day, we deal with lots of problem, anxiety, and other difficulties in life. According to the World Health Organization, one in four people globally will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives, and it is a leading cause of disability worldwide.

World Mental Health Day is very important because it brings attention and encourages people to talk about their mental health issues. It has found great success in - raise awareness, educate people, and promote understanding and acceptance of mental health challenges. One of the important aspects of this celebration is also to highlights the need for increased access to mental health services and resources for all.

How to Improve Mental Health?

Here are some important strategies for improving your mental health today.

a.   Self-Care: We might have heard the saying, “god help them, who help themselves.” Self-care involves taking care of yourself, finding your own personal space where you can be alone and spend time with the inner you, engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and more. Some of the important self-care tips include regular exercise, mindfulness, adequate sleep, healthy eating, and hobby and activities that you enjoy.

b.  Manage Stress: Stress is part of our lives and always try to accept it as same. Everyday, we come across different people, difficulties, needs, and more which creates stress in our mind but try to be strong and let it go instead of making it a chronic stress. Stress managing tips are deep breathing, meditation, exercise, and a happy environment.

c.  Build Healthy Relationships: Always remember that relationships can make or break you. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who will create a healthy mental environment for you. Having amazing relationships needs good communication skills, setting boundaries, and nurturing meaningful connections with all.

Friends, mental health is always misunderstood with mental illness. So, let’s have a look at these two and how they are different.

People always misunderstand, leading to misconception that mental health is as same as mental illness. Mental health and mental illness are not the same. Always remember that mental health refers to the overall state of our well-being, while mental illness is a medical condition that affects our mental health, emotions, behavior, and functioning.

I hope this article is helpful for you and makes sense in your life. Share this article among your circle to raise awareness about mental health and mental illness. Looking forward.

FAQs related to World Mental Health Day

1.    When is World Mental Health Day celebrated?

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on 10th October every year. World federation for mental health takes the initiative in which more than 150 countries participate to promote the important of mental health and encourage people and community to come forward for social well-being.

2.   What is the theme of World Mental Health Day 2022?

 The theme of World Mental Health Day 2022 is “Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority.”

3.   10 Importance of Mental Health.

·      Emotional well-being

·      Cognitive function

·      Physical health

·      Relationships

·      Quality of life

·      Self-esteem

·      Healthy lifestyle

·      Resilience

·      Prevention of mental illness

·      Healthy society

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